[. . . ] 3XE /&; /&; VHULHV *OREDO0DS 6RQDU*36 470 , PSRUWDQW $GGLWLRQDO , QIRUPDWLRQ Since the manuals and an addendum were written for the LCX-15, LCX16 and GlobalMap 3000, other new features and changes have been added to these units. [. . . ] Press or to select 'DWD 7\SH|ENT. 1 0DS 3DJH ZLWK WKH 2YHUOD\ 'DWD 6KRZQ VHOHFWLRQ PHQX , Q WKLV H[DP SOH ZH VFUROOHG GRZQ WKH GDWD OLVW WR KLJKOLJKW 'HSWK When selected, the data type shifts to the top of the data list and a check mark appears beside the data type. (If you wish, you may now use or to select other Data Types for display. ) 'DWD OLVW VKRZLQJ 'HSWK VHOHFWHG WR GLVSOD\ RQ WKH 0DS 3DJH 3. To return to the previous page, press EXIT|EXIT. To turn off displayed data: 1. The selected data type disappears from the top of the list and reverts to its previous, unchecked po2 sition. (If you wish, you may now use or to select other Data Types to turn off. ) 2. To return to the previous page, press EXIT|EXIT. To change displayed data font size: 1. [. . . ] If that is the case, the Data Size box will not be displayed for that data type. 3 Steering Arrow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